Airway Alchemy: Status Epilepticus –  Intubation and Management

Contributors: Dillon Warr, MD and Jason Hine, MD Status epilepticus is a clinical condition squarely in the wheelhouse of the Emergency Medicine physician. Here, we will discuss a recent article that asks an important clinical question: which induction agent should we use in RSI for those patients in status epilepticus that require intubation? We will subsequently discuss key ED management considerations for this neurologic emergency, including our approach to status epilepticus and intubation. Practicing procedures can be tough. Let SimKit […]


Keep ‘Em Cool, But Not Too Cool- AHA recs on TTM in post-ROSC care with Dr. Mike Burla

In this podcast we review the most recent AHA recs on TTM. The current AHA recently updated their practice guidelines related to targeted temperature management (TTM) in the post-ROSC patient…. and there really are some of nuances of caring for these patients. To review this, we spoke with Dr. Mike Burla, an EM physician with research experience in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, and someone we have had as a guest for prior discussions on the topic. Check out our first conversation […]


Slowww Down, Man. Myxedema Coma: A Case and Review

Myxedema Coma is a rare but life threatening endocrine emergency that we must be prepared to diagnose and treat in the emergency department. Buckle up for an in-depth discussion of a complicated emergency department case in an oral boards format with a focus on clinical reasoning, differential diagnoses, and ultimately a review of Myxedema Coma. Contributors: Dillon Warr, MD and Jason Hine, MD. Practicing procedures can be tough. Let SimKit do all the heavy lifting in your skill maintenance. Procedural […]


Intubating Asthmatics

There are few things as scary in the Emergency Department as a crashing asthmatic. The stakes go even higher when we are talking about intubating asthmatics. In this podcast we are joined by Dr. Andrew Phillips, and ED intensivist and founder of the awesome board review suite EM Coach, to talk about staving off intubating in asthmatic patients, how to safely intubate them in the Emergency Department, and most importantly, how to manage them after the tube. Keeping your skills […]