Procedural Training Delivered To You

SimKit is a medical education company focused on delivering procedural training to clinicians. SimKit helps Emergency Medicine clinicians gain confidence in their procedural skills. Our convenient 12-month curriculum arrives monthly at your door to give you the digital learning and hands-on experience you need to fight skill decay.

Gain Skills And Confidence

Emergency Medicine clinicians are expected to know what to do without hesitation. With lives on the line, you must quickly diagnose and then execute critical procedures. SimKit will train your muscle memory to kick in during these stressful situations.

emergency medicine doctors working on patient

Fight Skill Decay In 30 Minutes A Month

We’ve built our curriculum using evidence-based cognitive science—you’ll learn using short, monthly lessons, so that it sticks.

Your kits will arrive at your door in monthly boxes. Over your 12 month curriculum, you will gain mastery in four High Acuity, Low Occurrence (HALO) procedures. You’ll receive multiple boxes for the same procedure, with increasingly complex modules. After reviewing the instructional video, you’ll practice on SimKit’s low-fidelity models, then take a quiz to confirm you’ve got it.

At SimKit, we focus on the infrequent, high-stakes procedures you’ll encounter in emergency care environments such as cricothyrotomy, gastroesophageal balloon, tube thoracostomy, and more.

Got A Half Hour?

That’s all it takes to become proficient in these emergency procedures.

Your physical + digital subscription includes:

Physical models for hands-on practice

Simple and effective simulators are delivered to your doorstep along with any key tools for hands-on practice. The kit is yours to keep.

Multimedia resource library

Each procedure is complete with indications, contraindications, written steps and video guides. This digital library is kept up-to-date and is accessible at any time from anywhere with an online device.

You will also have access to a library of regional anesthesia techniques to keep your practice of Emergency Medicine on the cutting edge.

Interactive Learning Modules

The step-by-step curriculum builds skills and muscle memory as you watch and practice then reflect with interactive quizzes to confirm what you learned.

Point of Care Resources

These portable cards will remind you of the critical steps. Each procedure comes with simple infographics that break things down into easy to follow steps.

SimKit models keep you sharp

It’s difficult to retain the High Acuity, Low Occurrence (HALO) procedures you are expected to know. SimKit has created models that you can reuse over-and-over to practice each procedure.

Our low-fidelity models are easy to transport and store when not in use. You can practice at home, in the office, or in your department- really anywhere and anytime. This makes SimKit ideal not just for the physician, but for interprofessional education as well.

Each model allows you to train for high risk, low frequency events.

Fight Skill Decay Today

Our innovative and convenient lessons use digital learning and hands-on experience to help you maintain proficiency in these critical procedures.

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