Emergency Medicine Training


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Sip On This: GRACE 4

Contributor: Dillon Warr, MD Pharmacist Reviewer: Elizabeth Tencza, PharmD BCCCP Raise a glass to the GRACE-4 guidelines. These are Guidelines for Reasonable and Appropriate Care in the Emergency Department (GRACE)....
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The Twin Kiss of Death- Boarding and Crowding in the ED and How to Prevent It with Dr. Kraftin Schreyer

In this podcast we review both boarding and crowding, the twin kiss of death for an Emergency Department, with Dr. Kraftin Schreyer- an Emergency Medicine physician and ED Administrative Fellowship...
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Be The Driver (or Balancer)- Getting The Most Of Your Clinical Rotations

July 17, 2024Contributors: Dr. Jason HineIn this podcast we discuss getting the most out of your clinical rotations in medicine. This applies to anyone in the medical education spectrum- medical...
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The Corporate Practice of Medicine- the rise and fall of Envision and what it means for practicing docs

Contributors: Dr. Kenan Bouzida and Dr. Robert McNamaraIn this podcast we review the corporate practice of medicine- a touchy topic in Emergency Medicine. Over the last few decades, we have...
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Airway Alchemy: Status Epilepticus –  Intubation and Management

Contributors: Dillon Warr, MD and Jason Hine, MDStatus epilepticus is a clinical condition squarely in the wheelhouse of the Emergency Medicine physician. Here, we will discuss a recent article that...
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Keep ‘Em Cool, But Not Too Cool- AHA recs on TTM in post-ROSC care with Dr. Mike Burla

In this podcast we review the most recent AHA recs on TTM. The current AHA recently updated their practice guidelines related to targeted temperature management (TTM) in the post-ROSC patient…....
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Fat to Fab- Ozempic, Trulicity, the Celebrity Weight Loss Craze with GLP-1 agonists and what it means to Emergency clinicians

Ozempic and its counterparts, the GFP-1 agonists have been part of a huge celebrity weight loss craze. This has led to many to see these medications as a get-skinny-quick option...
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Slowww Down, Man. Myxedema Coma: A Case and Review

Myxedema Coma is a rare but life threatening endocrine emergency that we must be prepared to diagnose and treat in the emergency department. Buckle up for an in-depth discussion of...
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Intubating Asthmatics

There are few things as scary in the Emergency Department as a crashing asthmatic. The stakes go even higher when we are talking about intubating asthmatics. In this podcast we...
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The Beans or Brain?- The ACORN trial and effects of cefepime and pip-tazo on neuro and renal outcomes

In the Emergency Department, we often have to initiate empiric antibiotic treatment for sick, undifferentiated patients. Cefepime and Piperacillin-Tazobactam (pip-tazo) are common antibiotic options for coverage of gram-negative organisms, such...
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The Awake Shoulder Reduction- the way of the future

Anterior shoulder dislocations are common in the Emergency Department and let’s face it, fun to fix. But this can be a time and resource intensive endeavor- especially if doing IV...
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Blakemore, Minnesota, and Linton Tube Tips and Tricks

There are soooo many challenges when it comes to placing a Blakemore or other gastroesophageal balloon. The first struggle is your knowledge and familiarity with your own device- is it...
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The (Un)common Cric- Incidence of Surgical Airway in Modern Medicine

How often do we, as Emergency Medicine clinicians, have to do a surgical airway aka cric? Is that number changing with time? We attempt to answer these questions with a...
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Efficient and Effective Clinical Teaching

Teaching in the clinical environment can be… challenging. Learners are so enthusiastic, so engaged, and can require soooo much attention! In this podcast, we discuss ways to remain a kick-ass clinical...
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Distinguished or Deadly? Physician Age and Its Association with Patient Mortality

With the variability of patient complexity, time of presentation, resource availability, and a whole slew of other external factors, patient’s presenting to the ED can have high morbidity and mortality....
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Emergency Medicine Mansplaining – Gender Equality & How We Can Move Toward It Part 2 with Dr. Megan Healy

If you have not yet, check out Part 1 of Gender Equity in the Emergency Department with Dr. Kimon Ioannides where we talked about the role men play in moving toward gender...
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Nasal Fiberoptic Intubation

Nasal fiberoptic evaluation and intubation are and need to be in the wheelhouse of the Emergency Medicine clinician. With the increasing availability of single use fiberoptic scopes, these tools are...
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Rum Fits to DTs – Spectrum and Treatment of Alcohol Withdrawal

Alcohol use disorder and withdrawal in the Emergency Department is as commonplace as a turkey sandwich. Despite this, there is wide variation on how we categorize and treat withdrawal. In...
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Emergency Medicine Mansplaining – Gender Equality & How We Can Move Toward It with Dr. Kimon Ioannides

For a long time, medicine has been a “good ol’ boys club” and in the areas of gender inequity, sexism, and patriarchy, this old way of thinking in medicine really...
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Post-ROSC Care with Dr. Mike Burla

Caring for the patient that we just brought back to life can be tricky. They have a tendency to want to, ya know, die again. And in these cases we...
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